Category Archives: Upcoming Generation

Free Education for Class XII Students @ Matar


Manav Parivar is working at matar for free medical camp twice a week. As I have mentioned to you all in the past that in a single day they are having more than 9000 patient and they give free food to around 18000 people. From January 25, 2009 they have started giving free education to the Class XII students. Class XII is the most crucial stage for any student’s life.   as on the basis of that they are going to get admission on their life carrier colleges.



Manav Parivar started teaching classes for class XII students. Around 63 students take part on that. Class XII students are going to have their Final exams around March 15, 2009. So, all the participants will  have minimum 4 sessions. We hope it boost their knowledges as well as confidence.




The purpose  of this free education for the youth is to help the upcoming generation.  And this will really be  a noble one. Manav Parivar wants to give a High Standard education for those village students. Teachers from very known and popular schools will give their volunteering service to teach all these youth. It is really amazing to think that a metro city teachers teaching the  village students… isn’t it a best way to help? These students from Matar, kheda, nadiyad village will have a direct training and teaching from Ahmadabad most known school teachers. It’s really excellent effort manav parivar started and I wish all the best luck.